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Quality of Life Improvement RESPONSIBILITY

Who is responsible for improving the Quality of Life? Of our Life?

RESPONSIBILITY is the ability to respond 'properly' to the challenges of life. Properly with respect to our true nature as a human being, that is taking charge of our own destiny.

As I see it, we have to learn to accept responsibility for our own lives

Secondly, we also have to learn to accept responsibility for our 'dependents', taken in the broadest sense of those who are dependent on our action: Thirdly, we have a task in educating our 'dependents' in learning to behave responsibly. Fourthly, we are responsible for all our relationships. Regardless what our relationship is and with whom it is, we are responsible for our part of it. A relationship is two-party deal. Don't take it for granted, just because there are no problems. A relationship needs: Finally, we have a political responsibility. There seems to be no way we can influence the world, unless we happen to be a very powerful socio-economic or political figure. Yet, there are many ways we can pool our resources and exercise political influence. Taking responsibility for our world is essential to improving our Quality of Life.