Index of the

Bewustzijns Besturings Model (BBM)
Awareness Management Model

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The Julius Ruis Set, a Token of Life   Dicentra Spectabilis, het Gebroken Hartje

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De Fractal-


6. Graadpleegde Literaratuur

8. Inhoudsopgave Tutorial over Fractals door Jan Stuivenberg

9. Chaos-tentoonstelling "Een kwestie van Geluk" (Chaosforum)

10. Basic Awareness: De Concentrische Mens / The Concentric Man
(prof.dr.P.Helbert Damsté)

11. Business Awareness: 'Fractale ondernemingen' (by Joel de Rosnay / Jules Ruis)

12.2. Basic Awareness: Sensible Pulse Gymnastic (SPG)

12.3. Global Awareness: Quantum Consciousness

14. Da Vinci's Codex (Vond Leonardo Da Vinci de Fractale Wiskunde uit?)

15. Godelieve Spaas: Fractale vormen van ondernemen

16. Ap Dijksterhuis: Het slimme onbewuste (boek d.d. voorjaar 2008)

17. Fractale Ecosystems: het Hologram (artikel d.d. september 2009)

18. Partitie-getallen gedragen zich als Fractals (artikel d.d. 27 januari 2011)

Articles/publications in English language

19. Interview with prof.dr. Gerd K. Binnig: "Creativity and Fractal Darwinism"

20. General Introduction to Fractal Geometry (Edyta Patrzalek)

21. Higher Order Mandelbrot Fractals (by Richard E. Dickerson)

22.1. Stephen Wolfram: A Man Who Would Shake Up Science (june 2002)

22.2. Stephen Wolfram: The Julius Ruis Set in "A new kind of Science"

23. Animation of Sierpinski, Koch and Mandelbrot Fractals

24.   The Fractal Revolution (by Peter Bearse)

25. The Mandelbrot Monk (by Ray Girvin)

26.  Complexity Timeline (Santa Fe Institute)

27.  Complexity and Artificial Life Research Concept (CALResCo)
for Self-Organizing Systems

28.   'An Organic Approach to Management' (by Roger Lewin and Birute Regine)

29.  'The Evolution of Consciousness' (by Peter Russel)

30.1. 'Fractal Evolution' (by Leading Edge Research Group)

30.2. Bruce Lipton PhD: Fractal Evolution, paradigm shift in the Biomedical Sciences

31.  'The One-Dimensional Paradox' (by Chris Lucas)

32. Fritjof Capra's 'The Web of Life"

33.  Wisdom and the Wheel (by the School of Wisdom)

34.  Basic Awareness: Chakras (colors and attributes)

35. The Nature of Emotions by Plutchik

36. Global Awareness: Spiral Dynamics

37. Sacred Geometry by Bruce Rawles

38.  Principia Cybernetica Web (Francis Heylighen, Free University of Brussels)

39.  To the Virtual World of ""

40. To EXYSTENCE, the Complex Systems Network of Excellence

41. Cellular 'Consciousness' and Fractal Evolution (by Dr. Bruce Lipton)

42. Coastlines Fractal Fringes (Nature d.d. 2 December 2003)

43. Fractale - Ein Aesthetisches Benchmarkprogramm (im Deutsch d.d. 29-12-2003)

44.1. Fractal Networks for Consciousness and Awareness (Richard Dryden)

44.2. Pavements as Embodiments of Meaning for a Fractal Mind by Mikiten-Salingaros-Yu

45. Fractality (by David Levick, 2004)

46. Fractal Systems (description of complex adaptive systems)
by Peter Fryer and Jules Ruis, June 2004)

47. Fractal Catalysis: Is Life a scale invariant process of catalysis?
(Christopher J. Davia, september 2004)

48. The BioFractal Evolution Center (Theodore D Hall, 2005)
Science and The Arts in the Service of World Harmony

49. The Fractal Approach of Chris King
From Cosmic Symmetry to Fractal Molecules, DNA and Human Organs

50. The Infinite Fractal Universe (June 2005) by Robert L. Oldershaw

51. The Earth Charter (het Handvest der Aarde)

52. Dactyl Fractal Zoom

53. Is the universe a fractal space? (New Scientist 9 March 2007)

54. Particle-Wave: Unification into a Fractal Dimension

55. The Fractal Nature of Nature

56. Why Fractal Geometry in Nonlinear Geo Science and Life Science

57. Astrophysicists find fractal image of Sun’s ‘Storm Season’ imprinted on Solar Wind

58. Noel Huntley Ph.D.: The Source of Fractals

59. Dr. Peter T. Walling, MD, FRCA, : Dimensions of Awareness and Consciousness

60. Harry A. Schmitz: On the Role of the Fractal Cosmos and the Birth and Origin of Universes

61. Bruce Lipton: An Introduction to Fractal Evolution

62. Daniel Ashlock and Brooke Jamieson: Evolutianary Exploration of Generalized Julia Sets

63. Adrian Bejan: 'Go with the Flow' (Construction Theory d.d. July 2007)

64. J.A. Gowan: 'Nature's Fractal Pathway' (Revised d.d. Nov. 2007)

65. J.A. Gowan: 'Fractal Table' (fractal grid of the whole universe, revised d.d. Nov. 2007)

66. Galaxy map hints at Fractal Universe (NewScientist 25 June 2008)

67. Pellionisz: The Principle of Recursive Genome Function (Cerebellum, June 2008)
with reference to the Julius Ruis Set

68. Chris King: Why the Universe is Fractal (update 2008)

69. NewScientist 29 March 2009: Can fractals make sense of the quantum world?

70. NewScientist 4 November 2009: Tomorrow's weather: Cloudy, with a chance of fractals

71. NewScientist 19 November 2009: First 'True' 3D Mandelbulb

72. Science, 9 February 2010,: Fractal patterns spotted in the quantum realm

73. Nature d.d. 12 August 2010: Fractals helpen bij het onderzoeken van supergeleiding

74. Earth’s Most Stunning Natural Fractal Patterns

75. Like Life Itself: Sustainable Development is Fractal (7 January 2011)

76. The Application of Fractal Geometry to Ecology (January 2011)

77. Partition numbers are Fractal (Ken Ono, January 2011)

78. Ken On Poster (about Partition numbers are Fractal (January 2011)

79. The self-organizing Fractal Theory as a universal discovery method: the phenomenon of life (March 2011)

80. Fractal World: a World of Worlds (Santhosh Mathew, April 2011)

82. Fractals: How nature just keeps on givin (October 2011)

83. JASON ARTHUR BOWMAN: Fractal Levels of Awareness(October 2011)

84. The Fractal Brain Theory (November 2011)

85. Fractal Kitties Illustrate the Endless Possibilities for Julia Sets (September 2012)

86. Neighborhoods and Urban Fractals – The Building Blocks of Sustainable Cities (October 2012)

87. Fractal Levels of Awareness: Authoring Our Own Story (by Jason Arthur Bowman; March 2013)

88. Recursive Fractal Genome Function of the Cerebellum: Geometric Unification of Neuroscience and Genomics (by Andras Pellionisz and others); May 2013

Other relevant information

90. Other relevant internet-links

94. Back to the Main Index